Thursday, May 6, 2010

Almost there...

Right now, I am just sitting in Hingham with Tori, waiting to go to Egypt. I leave in 2 days!!!!! I can't believe that I am actually going! It still seems like something is going to happen so that I can't go. It is just to god to be true. Getting ready has been REALLY hectic. I have to get so many little details tied up before we get going. If I didn't have Tori with me right now, I would probably die. She is so much more organized and rational than me. I am finally going to start packing tonight. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! SO much stuff to fit into one little bag! And I haven't even started my readings for the trip yet. I'm gunna get that started tomorrow. And it is only like 160 pages or something like that; I have done much more cram reading than that for all of you who know my study habits! =) Blogging is weird. Just saying. This is gunna be short cause I don't really have anything to say yet. But please keep reading them! They will get more interesting as I get to Egypt and start doing real things, not just sitting in bed watching Law and Order SVU on my computer with Tori. COMMENT!!!!!!!!


  1. Hey KT, I'll read 'em. I'm excited for you! bring me back stuff cuz otherwise you arent a real friend. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA jk :)~

  2. KT Im so jealous.. im going to read your updates so that i can live vicariously through you until you get back! Ha! this is aby btw
