Sunday, July 3, 2011

The definition of class

We are here! The trip over here was very uneventful, which I always appreciate during international travel. We stayed up for almost 24 hours straight. I haven't had to pull an all-nighter in so long, so I was definitely ready to go to bed once we got there. We are staying in the youth hostel, and it is surprisingly nice! Well, for a hostel. I thought it would be gross and filled with wierdos (like the one creepy guy from Chasing Liberty) or would be like the coolest place ever (like the really hot guy from What a Girl Wants). I know, my life perceptions are very realistic. There are 6 girls in my room with three bunk beds. There is not a lot of room, but whatever. The beds are comfy so I can't complain. 

Everyday I fall more in love with Geneva. The city is indescribably beautiful. That is mainly because of the architecture. It is really hard to describe, but Geneva somehow manages to look thoroughly modern and old at the same time. All the apartments have these gorgeous wrought iron fences around their decks and balconies. Most of the buildings are white, but there is always a little pop of color, like the shutters or the window frame. There is an old part of the city too, and I love it! It is very similar to Italy, cobblestone streets, small apartments, all that stuff. But the architecture is a little different. It is still very imposing and impressive, but without as many frills. So cool.

Today we went on a bike ride through the countryside, which reminded me of the fact that I am terrible at riding bikes. It was still really fun, but I am covered in bruises. I hope that is appropriate that the UN... Despite all the accidents (it is surprising how many college kids are not able to ride bikes proficiently haha) it was so beautiful! We were riding through some villages that looked like they were straight out of a picture or a movie. It was unreal and made me forget the pain. 

Another thing that is AMAZING about Europe in general and Switzerland specifically is that they have clean water everywhere that you can drink. Imagine drinking out of a brass lion's mouth all the time. It is pretty awesome. And the water tastes so fresh, like it is coming straight down from Grizzly Creek! When my internet is quicker, I will post a picture. 

We went to the UN last Friday, which was pretty cool! We got  tour of their library and got to see the room of the committee that works on international disarmament. The building is HUUUUUUUUGE and was donated by the League of Nations. I think it is funny the League of Nations made such an investment in this amazing building and then failed. Oh well. I doubt the UN will ever fail that much so I don't think they have anything to worry about. Another cool fact, the UN compound has peacocks walking around the entire property. Peacocks. Who does that?! You can almost touch them too, because they are so used to people. 

Geneva is just so classy, it almost makes me feel bad about myself. It is like everything here is perfect. I just don't even understand how it is that possible. The entire city is super clean. The people are so nice. They actually let you cross the street when you are by a crosswalk. That NEVER happens in Boston. Ever. And the cherry on top, they have PEACOCKS. The only downside is that I can't afford one thing in this country. It is soooooooo expensive. Good thing I am such a bargain hunter! All those years of sale shopping are finally paying off! 


  1. Katie, glad to read the descriptions of Geneva. I have been banned from SKYPE for 24 hours because I changed my password too many times and none of them worked! So we will have to talk tomorrow eve.Can you see the snow covered mountains from the city? I wonder if you will begin wearing lederhosen???Keep the post coming and I will work on SKYPE.

  2. You don't have to type Skype in all capital letters, but thanks for the enthusiasm! Hopefully we can figure it out eventually. Get Pat to help you. Or I can ask Moriah to go over and help you figure it out. We have seen Mont Blanc two different days from the city. I guess that is very rare and they all say we are lucky. I only brought 3 pairs of lederhosen with me, so I have to wash them every night. Love you!

  3. Love to hear from you Katie. Really want to know - is a cup of coffee really about $8. (I mentioned your trip to someone and that is what I was told). Love your blog and look forward to more. I never saw last year's blog so am reading it all and enjoying your writing. Keep it coming. You will do well in Switzerland, I am sure of that! I can't figure out how to post so am pretending I am anonymous but it is really sent with love from Aunt Julie

  4. Katie, Glad to hear you made it safe and sound! Have you found a tailor yet for your bargain finds? Can't wait to see some pictures:) Andrea
