Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I am home in less than a week! I am really excited but I am going to be sad too! Last night Curt, Connor, and I split off from the group and that was really sad. We spent every day for 6 weeks with these people and it was weird saying goodbye to them. I was really sad especially saying goodbye to my roommate Lauren. She is amazing and I know that we are going to hang out a lot next year. We got picked up from a restaurant in Amman by Abdo and Deryn and then ust came back to their house and hung out and made brownies. It was delicious. 

So...what we have done since I posted last. We went to Petra which was awesome! The ruins were beautiful and it was way cooler than I imagined it was going to be. It really bothered me though that they had nails and stuff stuck into the ruins that were hanging cheap tourist things. I thought that was really disrespectful to have no regard for how amazing these ruins are. It kinda ruined part of it for me. But ya...other than that it was really cool. I bought a new pair of sneakers right before I left for Egypt and had only worn those once so I got super bad blisters but it was totally worth it. I couldn't do the extra hike because of it but thats OK. So ya...thats Petra. There really isn't much more to say. 

We left that evening and drove to the Dead Sea. We were at this resort hotel and that was pretty cool. We were there till yesterday at like 7 so we swam a lot. They had like 5 pools too and we had been swimming in those as well. Swimming in the Dead Sea is the weirdest feeling ever though. It is like learning how to swim again because you can't fully control your body in the water because it is so salty. I was really bad at it and kept floating to the top and spinning around and stuff but then I got a hang of it. They also had free mud that you could rub on yourself. It was really awkward cause there was just a basin that was filled with mud and had a sign on it that said "free mud". I thought it was a weird sign. So we all did that and just hung out and stuff. But towards the end, me and one of ym friends were leaving the sea to go get some lunch and then all these Russian tourists starting covering themselves in mud and then one guy just puts his hands up and starts yelling, "I AM FROM AFRICA!" at the top of his lungs. Then more of them started doing it and peple were taking pictures and stuff. It was so politically incorrect we just started cracking up. Oh Russia...

So we left the Dead Sea and went and had dinner in Amman. Then we got picked up by Abdo and Deryn. And I already talked about that. So this is a short post but I don't really have much to say. I just realized that I will traveling for 36 hours straight by the time I get home. I leave Amman at 2:30 in the morning on the 19th and get into Denver at 11:30 on the 19th. Then I have to drive roughly 4ish hours and when you factor in the 9 hour time difference, I will just be travling forever. I will be excited to sleep and eat American food. And run. I have been wanting to run so bad since I have been here. There is now way to exercise here really cause it is not appropriate in the Middle East to run on the streets and gyms are super duper expensive. So I want to be home but I will miss it here! Ok, well I have to start writing my final reflection. BYE!

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