Friday, June 4, 2010

Sorry for being so boring!!!

This last week here in Egypt has not been so exciting. Lo siento. I don't know how to apologize in Arabic. So the last day I posted was Tuesday. Wednesday, we had our final which I got 18 1/2 out of 20!!!! WOOOO HOOOO! I think that is the only decent grade I have ever received in an Arabic class ever. If you can't tell yet, I am not always a fan of this crazy language. So I guess that is kind exciting for me, but probably not for you, most people wouldn't really actually care about that. So after that, we went out for one of our friend's birthday. It was really fun; we did a felucca ride again and had an impromptu dance party and then just went around the city. I would post pictures but I didn't have my camera that night. 

Thursday, was the Arabic hafla! Hafla means party in Arabic!!! I mean, it was kinda a lame party though. We had this guy who lectured us for an hour about Egyptian culture, and he was so biased I could hardly listen to him! He was incredibly well educated, but someone asked him a question about the situation with Israel and he gave the most one-sided, unopenminded (is that a word?), answer and it made me really mad. But I don't want to get into politics in this blog. Too serious and I am just too tired to do the topic any justice, especially since I have been so lax about reading the news lately. After the halfa, I slept. I was very tired. I woke up for a little bit, did some work. And then slept again. My life is really enthralling, right?!

Friday, today, although it is technically Saturday but whatever. For all of you in the US, it is still Friday. It was a free day so that was cool. SHOUTOUT!!!!! Happy birthday mom! I love you and hope your birthday was awesome even though your immediate family was in Denver, DC, and Egypt!!!! We will celebrate when I get back and I got you an even cooler present than the one i already showed you. Anyways, so for the free day, most of the people went to sakarra and another pyramid somewhere. I didn't want to go though cause I wanted to sleep in. I swear, I think I need more sleep than a newborn baby now. I am so exhausted all the time and all I want to do is sleep. I have been planning my schedule so it is conducive to my nap times. Maybe I have a problem. Whatever. I love sleeping way more than I did in high school, or even real life for that matter. Egypt just isn't real life. It just doesn't count. Anyways, when everyone got back from Sakarra, me and my roommate Lauren went to the Khan al-Khalili. It is the most epic tourist market ever. But we both really needed to go because neither of us had relaly bought anything yet. We are good shoppers though and we can bargain like nobody's business. I got something that was originally 250 Egyptian Pounds down to 50. And many other things like that. The only problem is you have to deal with them hitting on you which is really annoying. By this point thought, both of us are very good at fending them off. We have learned the right things to say to make them stop, well most of the men anyways. I got some really awesome stuff, although it hardly fits in my bag. We'll see how that goes. thats really it. It hasn't been too exciting. We leave for Syria tomorrow at 10 AM. I'm not sure how the internet is going to work out there so we will see. I still hope that our visas work and they let us into the country. So that is really it....Ma salaama! (Peace be with you, or something to that affect. It technically means with peace.)

P.S. Sorry if this doesn't make any sense. I am REALLY tired and might have to pull an all-nighter to finish a paper tonight. 

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